This has been the longest, best, weirdest, most crazy emotional week of my life. But every hard time there was a miracle that followed along with it.
First off, we found an amazing couple who are so prepared to hear the gospel. We have been praying for Heavenly Father to put people in our path that are ready, and one day when we were knocking doors, we found a cute girl and her husband cleaning the car. Turns out they are brand new from Guatemala, and they are super young. The girl is 18 and the man is 23. We set up a return appointment, and we went back and they were there. We taught them what our purpose was as missionaries and the husband was so interested. He wanted us to come back and he even asked us if he could invite some of his friends to listen. It was amazing! We have an appointment with them on Wednesday so please keep in your prayers that all goes well.
Another miracle this week, a few weeks ago an old investigator called us at 2 in the morning, and we didn't pick up and we were kind of mad cause we didn't know who it was. We received a text from them on Thursday saying that they wanted us to come over to share a message, and of course we took the opportunity! Well they are a super solid family and the only reason they couldn't keep listening to the missionaries is because the dad went out of town for like 2 months. So now we are teaching them! We also knocked into a woman whose son is a gold medal champion in the Olympics for Karate. SAY WHAT?!? She is less active, and we want to start working with her.
One more miracle! Our investigator, Oliva, finally had her baby. We were able to go to the hospital and see her and her new baby just after being about 6 hours old! Now Oliva says that she is more than ready to come to church because she knows that she needs to give her baby a good foundation in Christ. Wow, Heavenly Father works miracles, and I am so thankful to be a recipient of them.
Now things that happened that weren't so good this week....
It took us over an hour and a half to get to District meeting cause we had the wrong address, so we were late and we went over 100 miles that day and we only get 900 miles a month so that wasn't very fun.
Out of all of the craziness this week, we were so blessed with the opportunity to watch the Young Women's General Conference Meeting. It was so amazing! We watched it in the Stake Center and there was not a dry eye in the house. My favorite talk was by Sister Burton and how she talked about being disciples of Jesus Christ. I hope that all the women and girls had a chance to watch it and this weekend that people take the time to watch and ponder about conference. Write questions and pray for them to be answered as you watch each session. We are so lucky to have the opportunity to listed to and watch a living day prophet this weekend, I hope that everyone will take time out of their busy schedule to take part in the most amazing conference that has yet to be. I am so excited to watch Conference with some of my investigators, as I know that their testimony will be strengthened and so will mine!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week,
Hermana Cattich
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