Monday, August 4, 2014

False Alarm!

Well this has been a week of ups and downs, but there is a reason to celebrate for all the hardships and this week we celebrated because we set a baptismal date with Concepcion! Hardwork really does pay off. She is going to get baptized on September 7th, her birthday! She bore her testimony this week in sacrament meeting, and my companion and I were in tears! She told us that we needed to book our plane tickets for the next year so that we can return and be with her when she goes through the temple. AHHH!! What a blessing! The ward has been wonderful. The ward really does make the difference, we need all the help we can get as missionaries. We are just counting our blessings everyday.
On Wednesday night, we recieved a text from our Zone Leaders at about 6:30pm, saying that we all needed to meet at the church at 8:30 because they had something they needed to give all of us. They had Mission Leadership Meetings earlier that day with the mission president and so we all knew that it was something the President Taylor wanted them to give us. Everyone was freaking out. We all thought that they were finally going to give us iPads! We were all calling and screaming with all the zone members about how excited we were to finally get iPads! (I think my mission is the last States mission that doesn't have iPads!) We all got to the church and we were sitting waiting for the zone leaders to show up. We were all high fiving eachother and talking about all the benefits of iPads and how we needed to take "Zone Selfies" But the first thing that the Zone Leaders said to us when they walked in was, "Stop, it's not iPad's". Then they just laughed. Everyone's dreams were crushed and it was a giant false alarm. Instead, they had to give us pages of the Book of Mormon. President Taylor wanted all of the missioaries to have one page of the Book of Mormon and the next day we were going to read it, study it and underline parts that we liked. Then he was going to bind the Book of Mormon back together so we could have a mission Book of Mormon. He wanted the whole mission to read the Book of Mormon together in 30 minutes. It was a cool idea, but not what we were expecting at all!
In the van, on the way to the temple!
On Thursday night, all the missionaries in my ward and I planned to do a temple trip. There is a brother that is in another stake that told us that he would be willing to drive his 15 seater van to wherever we were if we wanted to go to the temple with our investigators. So we planned a trip and each of the companionships got to bring investigators to the temple. He picked us up at the church building and we all jumped in! It was super fun! He was playing Primary music the whole way to the temple. When we got there, we each split up and took tours of the grounds with our investigators and then we all came back together and went in the visitors waiting room right in the inside. One of the temple sealers, that spoke Spanish, came and talked to all of us about the blessings of the temple and we had a little testimony meeting! It was a really cool experience, and Concepcion loved it!
I love the temple. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love being a missionary. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else right now! One thing that I really liked this week from my studies, was a quote that says, "Love is spelled like TIME." If we give our time and efforts into someone or something it is because we love them. That is what missionary work is all about. I love missionary work so I am giving my time, I love the people I meet so I take time to listen to them and most importantly I love my Savior Jesus Christ, so I am giving him my time to pay him back for what he did for me. Although it will never be enough, I just have to give my time fully to him and work with all my heart, might, mind and strength!
I hope you all have a great week!
Hermana Cattich

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