Hello everyone, this week was one to remember in the Texas
Dallas Mission, I mean the Texas Dallas Heaven. Life is just so good right now.
First of all, we received transfer calls this morning and Hermana Merrell is
leaving, we won't find out where until tomorrow morning at the transfer
meeting. It is going to be weird that I am now starting my last 6
weeks/transfers of my mission....okay I am not going to talk about it anymore!
This week we had the privilege to hear from Elder Nelson and
he was accompanied by Elder Lynn G. Robbins. We had to be at the meeting house
at 6am because we drove with the Casalinda Hermanas and they were in the choir
so they had to practice. Well we were the first ones there, we even beat the
seminary students. When everyone in the mission arrived we all split up and
took turns taking group pictures with both of them. We were out in the hall
waiting for our turn and then when they told me to go into the gym I saw Elder
Nelson, it was almost a surreal experience but it was awesome. They had us all
lined up and we all got to shake his hand.
Elder Robbins talked about taking up our "cross
daily" and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. He used a lot of cross
references in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon. It was really cool and
uplifting. He also talked about enduring to the end. He used the quote that
"Success if going from failure to failure without loosing any
enthusiasm." That is so true especially in life. We will each have our
struggles but we can overcome them all, and we just need to realize that
success is not always something that we can physically see but it is something
that we can feel. Also, how partaking of the sacrament is an ordinance of enduring
to the end and failing but never loosing enthusiasm. Every week, we have all
made mistakes and "failed" a little bit but we always renew our
baptismal covenants with a hope and a knowledge that the atonement will help us
all through our life.
Elder Nelson talked about the 12 tribes of Israel and our
inheritance. He talked about having a vision for our lives and if we have a
vision we need to know where we came from. He went on to talk about the 12
tribes and how each of us have a responsibility in this life and that we were
all sent here in this time for a reason. What he said was a little different
then what I thought he would say, but I know that it was inspired. I actually
learned some really cool things and now I have a strong desire to read and study
the Pearl of Great Price and also really work in the temples after my mission
and do work for my family. The meeting was great and of course it was amazing
to be in the presence of a member of the 12 apostles. Life is just oh so good.
So yesterday, after church we decided that we were going to
stop by and some of the less actives that live near the church. Sadly, none of
them were home, so we decided that we would go out to Rockwall and knock a
little bit. Well we got a little lost but we found a new apartment complex that
looked really promising! We decided to knock there and after a few doors
everyone was pretty much not interested! Well, the next door a lady opened the
door and let us right in. She was talking about how her son needed help with homework
because she didn't understand English and how we were an answer to her prayers.
So we helped her little boy finish is project and started talking to her about
the gospel! She is amazing and is a single mom of 2 little kids. I am so
excited to work with them next week! We also had an awesome lesson with la
Familia Castillo and we brought some members with us and we talked about the
Book of Mormon. It was a great end to an awesome week!
Tomorrow morning we are going to transfer meeting and we
will find out who our new companions are. I think everyone is a little nervous
because practically the whole mission is getting transferred. I am excited to
get one last companion for my last transfer! I love being a missionary and I
love this gospel! Have a great week!
Hermana Cattich
Elder Sasser and Elder Cotter, they both go home tomorrow! |
Good ole mission buddies! |
My "daughters," I trained both of them! |
Carrollton Crew! |
A gift from my zone leader that is going home tomorrow! |